The world is changing very quickly these days. Our drive to actively shape this transformation is the key to implementing our customer-first strategy and always delivering on our customer promise of “Quality, Speed and Simplicity” in all aspects of our business.
This report clearly shows how we at Interroll are shaping sustainable development. After all, companies cannot be economically successful in the long run if they lack a structured management approach to the non-financial aspects of their business. It is becoming increasingly clear from the progress we made in our material areas in 2023 that our stakeholders also expect more with regard to the transparent communication of the company’s environmental targets, social contributions and good corporate governance practices (ESG).
This report satisfies the reporting requirements under Article 964 of the Swiss Code of Obligations. We outline the various ways in which we contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are also proud to announce that we have signed up to the UN Global Compact for a further year and affirm our commitment to its ten underlying principles. We have incorporated our seventh UNGC Communication of Progress, which covers fiscal year 2023, in its entirety in this Sustainability Report in accordance with the GRI Standards 2021.