In the first half of 2021, Interroll was successful in the market with its products and solutions.

Net sales increased to CHF 272.0 million (16.7% compared to CHF 233.2 million in the same period of the previous year); in local currency, growth was only slightly more moderate at 16.3%.

Order intake reached a record level, rising by 60.1% to CHF 421.6 million (previous year: CHF 263.4 million).

Key Figures

in CHF millions, unless stated otherwise 01.01.–30.06.202101.01.–30.06.2020Change in %
Order intake/sales    
Total order intake 421.6263.460.1
Rollers 63.952.521.7
Conveyors & Sorters
Pallet Handling 26.920.630.6
Total sales 272.0233.216.7
EBITDA 56.343.529.3
in % of sales 20.718.7 
EBIT 45.032.339.5
in % of sales 16.513.8 
Result 33.423.840.4
in % of sales 12.210.2 
Cash flow    
Operating cash flow 25.345.6–44.5
in % of sales 9.319.6 
Free cash flow –5.020.0–125.0
in % of sales –1.88.6 
Total investments
Balance sheet 30.06.202131.12.2020 
Total assets 541.3468.815.5
Goodwill 17.316.45.5
Net financial assets 44.292.2–52.1
Equity 312.6312.00.2
Equity ratio (equity in % of total assets) 57.866.5 
Return on equity yield (in %) 21.423.3–8.2
Other key figures    
RONA (return on net assets in %) 26.119.533.8
Average number of employees (FTE) 2,3092,1875.6
Sales per employee (in CHF thousands) 23621310.8
Productivity (added value / total personnel expenses)

Interroll uses alternative performance figures. These alternative performance figures can be found on the Interroll homepage under
Investor Relations (


Interim financial statements of
the Interroll group (PDF)

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