Sustainability report 2022

Sustainability report 2022

Sustainability report 2022


GRI-Index (PDF)


Key figures (PDF)

Sustainability, Social Responsibility and above all: Climate protection, with the reduction of GHG emissions is one of the key challenges of the 21st century.

At Interroll we contribute to the transition into a low CO2 economy along our value chain, which consists of our supply chain, our own production and the life cycle of our products. To achieve this, we gave our commitment to the UN Global Compact and SDGs in 2017 and now – in 2022 – we are taking the next big step with the publication of this first Sustainability Report according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.

Our  materiality assessment and stakeholder dialogue for our sustainability strategy and ESG approach highlighted the importance to systematically contribute to topics across all areas of Environment, Social and Governance. 

For all of our identified material topics we have defined in global policies our management approach, our long-term strategic and qualitative objectives, which we broke down into quantitative targets. In this first sustainability report we provide information regarding our approach, our material topics and we set the baseline for our future sustainable development.

Thus, in the Sustainability Report we only provide data for the reporting year 2022 which are the base for all future reports.

At Interroll we contribute to the transition into a low CO2 economy along our value chain.”

Patrick Wedewardt, Director
Corporate Sustainability & Compliance

ESG-Impacts of the year 2022 in figures

Sustainability strategy

Our ambitious sustain­ability objectives are geared toward contri­buting to the over­arching targets of inter­national agree­ments and based on the sys­tematic implemen­tation of our holistic corporate develop­ment strategy. The central pillars are the economic, environ­mental and social material areas as well as a modern and forward-looking under­standing of good corporate gover­nance, to which the material topics of Interroll listed below are assigned.

These four impact areas are closely related to the develop­ment of an Integrated Management System (IMS) in the areas of environ­mental and energy manage­ment, quality manage­ment, and occupa­tional health and safety manage­ment.

All of this is based on the corporate strategy and Interroll’s aforementioned principles and values.

In the sustainability report, the 4 Pillars of our Impact Areas are “Securing Long-Term Success”- representing the Pillar Economics, “Protecting the climate and the environment” – representing the Pillar Environment, “Focus on our employees”- representing the Pillar Social and “Ensuring Good Corporate Management”, representing the Pillar Governance.

UN Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals

As a company that is aware of its social responsibility, Interroll already committed to the UN Global Compact and Sustainable Develop­ment Goals in 2016.

The previously independent “Communication on Progress”, as a subchapter of the Annual Report, will be incorporated into our Sustain­ability Report for the first time in 2022.

Our business activities contribute to the SDGs to varying degrees. We see Interroll's most pronounced contributions to SDGs 3, 8, 9 and 13. For example, through direct product solutions, we have a major impact on the health and well-being of people who depend on a fast and hygienic supply of goods, food and medical products. The demonstrably high energy efficiency of our applications contributes to climate protection, our social standards internally and in the supply chain are high, our innovative strength for the continuous further development and optimization of the flow of goods in intralogistics is part of the Interroll success story.

Material topics

In 2021, the Director Corporate Sustainability & Compliance initiated an internal process, which was continued in 2022 and which enabled us to identify our current and potential impacts in the context of sustainability in exchange with the specialist areas and with the involvement of external experts. This process follows the requirements of the GRI Standards 2021 and will be continued on an ongoing basis in order to be able to act actively in a dynamically changing environment.

The material topics identified for Interroll in the context of sustainability are as follows


GRI-Index (PDF)


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