

Interroll Holding AG
Via Gorelle 3
6592 Sant’Antonino, Switzerland
Phone: +41 91 8502525
Fax: +41 91 8502505

Concept, design and realization

Linkgroup AG, Zurich

Note on the Annual Report

This Annual Report is also available in German. If there are differences between the two, the German version shall prevail.

Note on Rounding

Please note that slight differences may arise as a result of the use of rounded amounts and percentages.

Forward-looking Statements

This Annual Report contains certain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include all statements which do not relate to historical facts and events and contain future-oriented expressions such as “believe”, “estimate”, “assume”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “could” or “should” or expressions of a similar kind. Such forward- looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties since they relate to future events and are based on the company’s current assumptions, which may not take place in the future or be fulfilled as expected. The company points out that such forward-looking statements provide no guarantee for the future and that the actual events, including the financial position and profitability of the Interroll Group and developments in the economic and regulatory fundamentals, may vary substantially (particularly on the downside) from those explicitly or implicitly assumed in these statements. Even if the actual assets for the Interroll Group, including its financial position and profitability and the economic and regulatory fundamentals, are in accordance with such forward-looking statements in this Annual Report, no guarantee can be given that this will continue to be the case in the future.